[Debian] Generate TeX formulas as SVG or PNG images Wikipédia-like


We will use this file named texfile.tex as the .tex to convert:

\pagenumbering{gobble}% Remove page numbers (and reset to 1)
My first \TeX~document.
$s_n = (Ta)_n = \displaystyle\sum_{k=0}^\infty T_{nk} a_k$

Result file

PNG demonstration
PNG demonstration

Generating PNG images

Packages you need:

  • texlive (or any other TeX program, I guess)
  • dvipng

Step by step

  1. In the Terminal, go to the directory containing the .tex file.
  2. Execute this:
    $ latex texfile.tex
    • Output:
      This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2015/dev/Debian) (preloaded format=latex)
       restricted \write18 enabled.
      entering extended mode
      LaTeX2e <2014/05/01>
      Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 2 languages loaded.
      Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
      (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size12.clo)) (./texfile.aux
      ) [1] (./texfile.aux) )
      Output written on texfile.dvi (1 page, 584 bytes).
      Transcript written on texfile.log.
  3. Convert to PNG at 150dpi (to get a larger image than default):
    $ dvipng texfile.dvi -D 150 -o texfile.png
    • Output:
      This is dvipng 1.14 Copyright 2002-2010 Jan-Ake Larsson
  4. Remove the border white spaces of the page and add some borders using imagemagick:
    $ convert texfile.png -trim -bordercolor white -border 5x5 texfile_trimmed.png
  5. Your file is ready as texfile_trimmed.png.


I have made a little script to automatize the conversion, with auto-remove of intermediary files:

if latex $1
	echo Base name is: $BASENAME
	dvipng $BASENAME.dvi -D 150 -o $BASENAME.png
	echo Output file name is: $OUTPUT_FILENAME
	convert $BASENAME.png -trim -bordercolor white -border 5x5 $OUTPUT_FILENAME
	if test $# = 2
		if test $2 != "-keeptempfiles"
			rm ${BASENAME}.{aux,dvi,log,png}
		rm ${BASENAME}.{aux,dvi,log,png}
exit 0
  1. Save the above script as tex2png, anywhere you want, usually near your .tex files for convenience.
  2. Make it executable: $ chmod +x tex2png.
  3. Syntax: tex2png filename [-keeptempfiles].
    • Example: $ tex2png texfile.tex.
    • Alternatively, you can omit the .tex extension: $ tex2png texfile but I would not recommend it.
    • If you want to keep the intermediary files (dvi, log, etc.), add the -keeptempfiles argument at the end: $ tex2png texfile.tex -keeptempfiles.
  4. The final image is named texfile_trimmed.png

Generating SVG images

Packages you need:

  • texlive

Step by step

  1. In the Terminal, go to the directory containing the .tex file.
  2. Execute this:
    $ latex texfile.tex
    • Output:
      This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2015/dev/Debian) (preloaded format=latex)
       restricted \write18 enabled.
      entering extended mode
      LaTeX2e <2014/05/01>
      Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 2 languages loaded.
      Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
      (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size12.clo)) (./texfile.aux
      ) [1] (./texfile.aux) )
      Output written on texfile.dvi (1 page, 584 bytes).
      Transcript written on texfile.log.
  3. Convert to a SVG image with a 1.5 scale factor:
    $ dvisvgm texfile.dvi -TS1.5 --no-fonts
  4. Your file is ready as texfile.svg.


There is no padding in the SVG method. I have not found yet a method to add a little padding around the figure.

Also, the --no-fonts is necessary to prevent rendering issues about SVG fonts, especially with Firefox and the default SVG viewer of Debian. So the generated formula will not be selectable as a text, but at least, it will render correctly on every device with SVG support.


I needed to include some nice looking formulas on my new game design wiki. I am using MediaWiki but the math add-on was not working on my server (web hosting service, not mine). So I decided to create myself the images offline and upload them as regular image files, so that I don’t need to think too much about trying to set the add-on without having all the privileges I could have on a personal server.

Published by Dakwamine

Dakwamine, alias Quang-Minh Dang, né en 1987 en région parisienne. Un type sympa, pas bavard et pragmatique.