[Drupal] Make the Search API Page search block appear in Bootstrap markup

When using Search API Page, I needed to theme the search form in the bootstrap structure. The cleanest answer I have found is to add some variables to trigger the bootstrap overrides on the search form. /** * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). */ function MYMODULE_form_search_api_page_block_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) { // We need this to make our search_api_page_block_form …

[Drupal] Base hook schema example to put in .install

Introduction Delighted hook_schema is one of those methods where you are happy to have a usable documentation on the api website. It is pretty much self-explanatory and you don’t have to look for hours on third parties websites to get some usable information. 🙂 hook_schema on api.drupal.org and don’t forget to select your Drupal version! …